Creating an Account/ Logging in
Most pages on this site can be viewed only if you log in as a job seeker or an employer. Please create an account as a job candidate or an employer/company. Once you have created an account, please wait for account approval. We will need authentication which you can submit through our contact form which is also on the website’s footer. After approval, you may log in and use the website.
Locations and Job Categories
The lists of locations and job categories are not complete, but new locations and job categories can be added by the candidate and the employer.
Images and Resumê Uploads
To make sure that your profile page loads fast, please compress your images and your resumê (pdf).
To resize and compress your images, we recommend
To compress your resumê pdf, we recommend or
Once you have reduced the images and your resume pdf, you can upload it to your profile.
We reserve the right to remove unresized and uncompressed files as this is for everyone’s benefit when the site loads faster.
Going Back to Main Page
When in your dashboard, you can click on the logo to get back to the main page.

Social Sharing of Your Page
Each page has social sharing icons to help candidates share their profile on Facebook, email, or WhatsApp.

No Fees Collected
This site is free to use. When transacting with an employer or job candidate, please transact at your discretion.