

This job portal website, PWD Employment Philippines came about when we at Teampageone Web Portal Services started to hire PWDs for AnyTable.PH and another site we own. We would send the word out in an FB group for PWDs that we needed to hire, and we received at least 10 times more applications than what we needed.

Realizing just how many needed to be given the opportunity, but not enough positions to offer them, we thought that the next best thing if we cannot take them all in, is to at least open the opportunity for them. Thus, we built this nonprofit website that would hopefully open career opportunities for them, as well as create awareness for companies to open more job opportunities for PWDs.

Thank you to the consuming public for your continued support of AnyTablePH, another undertaking of our company that aims to help food businesses by giving them the most important marketing tool made more affordable. With your continued support, we hope to always have meaningful undertakings to elevate the Filipino!

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